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1 December 2007 Tetracera forzzae (Dilleniaceae), uma Nova Espécie para a Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Claudio Nicoletti de Fraga, Gerardo A. Aymard C
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Tetracera forzzae Fraga & Aymard (Dilleniaceae), a new species from Brazil, is described and illustrated, and its relationships are discussed. The new species is morphologically related to T. empedoclea Gilg, T. portobellensis Beurling, and T. parviflora (Rusby) Sleumer; however, T. forzzae can be distinguished by its flowers with seven sepals, petals 7–8 mm long, and the leaves with simple and stellate trichomes on the adaxial surface. This new species is known only from the Zona da Mata of the state of Minas Gerais, and is the fourth Neotropical species of this genus so far discovered with a single carpel. According to the criteria of the IUCN Red List of endangered plant species this species is assigned to the EN (Endangered) category.

Claudio Nicoletti de Fraga and Gerardo A. Aymard C "Tetracera forzzae (Dilleniaceae), uma Nova Espécie para a Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, Brasil," Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 17(4), 433-436, (1 December 2007).[433:TFDUNE]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 December 2007
IUCN Red List
Minas Gerais
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